Coughing is a natural way of keeping your throat and airways clear. It is a valuable reflex of the body that protects your lungs and respiratory passageways against irritants104.

However, prolonged and continuous coughing can be annoying and tiring because:

  • Dry or wet cough that lasts for days or weeks can lead to chest pains and cause vomiting and light-headedness105.

  • Prolonged coughing also interrupts your sleep, thus making you feel exhausted all the time. It can get in the way of your other activities as well106.

There are several remedies for cough and other items that can help you manage your symptoms.

Below are the five handiest items that can help you deal with and manage your cough:

Cough management

Whether you have a dry or productive or chesty cough107, your options include:

  • A tablet or cough syrup taken every six or eight hours

  • 24-hour cough relief medication. Mucosolvan’s long-acting capsules can give you relief from your symptoms for the next 24 hours.

If you have acute, chesty cough with phlegm, make sure you have Mucosolvan Fast Cough Relief syrup. It helps loosen phlegm, clear airways, soothe a sore and irritated throat, and protect your lungs to prevent any difficulties with breathing.

Take any medication as prescribed by your doctor or as stated on the label to safely alleviate your symptoms.

Home remedies

Cough drops

A cough drop or lozenge can also help in easing the symptoms and help you feel more comfortable throughout the day. How?

  • Cough drops contain ingredients that relieve symptoms associated with cough and colds. Inside your mouth, it dissolves and releases substances that lubricate and soothe your irritated throat and temporarily suppresses your cough108.

  • Many lozenges also contain menthol or eucalyptus, both natural ingredients that help cool and soothe the throat109.

  • Honey is another common ingredient of lozenges, which is known to have cough suppression and relief properties110.

  • A cough drop increases your production of saliva, which reduces dryness in your throat. This minimizes itchiness, which often causes you to cough110.


Fluids play a key role in helping you feel better whenever you have a cough. When you hydrate frequently, you prevent your throat from drying out and feeling irritated.

  • Sip warm water frequently throughout the day. Tepid fluids are better for soothing your throat, so keep a stainless steel flask or bottle with warm water nearby110.

  • Hot herbal tea with honey, ginger, peppermint, and chamomile has hot liquid and steam which can help reduce congestion. Meanwhile, the herbs have a calming, soothing effect on your throat111.

Since herbal teas can relieve your symptoms, choose these instead of coffee.

Moist cloth

A moist handkerchief or small hand towel can also give you some relief if you have a cough112.

  • Wet a handkerchief or hand towel with clean, odorless water. While seated or lying down, place it over your nose.

The moisture in the cloth helps humidify the air you breathe in, which will reduce the itchiness in your throat. It will also minimize the dust and pollutants you may inhale.

However, make sure you don’t breathe through your mouth while you have a moist cloth over your nose to experience these benefits.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus is one of the most popular herbs that have been proven effective in relieving cough and congestion113.

  • Add one or two drops of this oil on your moist cloth for relief.

  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a steamy bath and to your humidifier, if you have one.

  • Dilute eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhale the steam.

  • Combine carrier oil (or base oil) and eucalyptus oil and rub the mixture onto your chest and throat to alleviate your cough and cold symptoms.

If your cough symptoms do not go away after trying these five items, see your doctor as soon as possible. A chronic and acute cough that lasts too long may be a sign of another health condition.

A specialist will be able to determine your specific wet or dry cough causes and provide a treatment plan that will help you manage this condition successfully.

Read more tips for avoiding and managing cough and other symptoms on our On Your Mind page.