Many people suffer from frequent coughing
for years without resolution.

The downsides of coughing too much includes significant physical, social
and psychological consequences.14

Physical impact 9

  • Musculoskeletal chest pains
  • Blackouts
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Stress incontinence
  • Hoarse voice
  • Vomiting
Coughing effects

Psychological impact 9

  • Depressive symptoms
  • Worrying about serious underlying diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis

Impact on social well-being 9

  • Difficulty in relationships
  • Avoidance of public places
  • Disruption of employment
impact of cough

Cough impact on children and parents

In children, acute cough due to infections disturbs the quality of sleep which in turn might
affect their academic performance. Coughing also affects the parents’ quality of sleep and
impacts their daily activities.15

The economic impact of cough

Coughs are associated with substantial healthcare expenditure. The economic burden of cough is a combination of at least the following six factors 9

  • Reduced “on‐the‐job” productivity
  • Physician consultation cost
  • Absenteeism from work
  • Prescription medication cost
  • Absenteeism due to care giving for others (mainly children) with upper respiratory tract infection
  • Non‐prescription medication cost

Acute cough disturbed the quality of sleep in 88% of children
and 72% of parents.15
It also affected the scholastic activity and sports activities in 76%
and 61% of children, respectively.15